Alas! You have stumbled across one of the most spectacular and magnificent apparel brands to ever grace this plane of existence! One may ask themselves, “How did such a majestic brand come to be”? Well my friend, let us tell you! It all started back in the days of yesteryear. When the world was shrouded by darkness and the on going fight between good and evil ravished the land. These were dark times. The world was filled with lame shirts and mundane apparel accessories. Until one day, a brave company emerged from the shadows to save us from fashion apocalypse that destroying our civilization. These brave young lads called themselves LOCAL MENACE , and fueled by cheap beer, some artistic talent, and their love for really bad punk rock music, they began the fight against mediocrity. As they fought valiantly against demonic marketing execs, and dudes that like to wear flip flops with jeans, their numbers began to grow and they grew stronger. Before they knew it, they had an army of radly dressed MENACE WARRIORS who stood with them in the fight that eventually led them to their victory of becoming the RADDEST streetwear brand in all the universe. A title that we have held for up to this very day. Oh yeah, we also sell shirts and stuff.
If you have any questions regarding products, orders, or general inquiries then please feel free to email us at customersupport@localmenace.com